Gabriel Byrne, Desmond Harrington, Ron Eldard, Karl Urban, Isaiah Washington, Alex Dimitriades
Julianna Margulies, Emily Browning
Steve Beck
Time :
87 minute
Price :
0 Baht
Version :
CD 2 แผ่น
Type :
Cat :
Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
RegistationDate :
05 Oct 2007
Location :
This resource is available at the helper's desk.
Copy :
Category :
Top Rated Material :
Skill :
- Listening for main ideas - Listening for details - Listening to lectures - Speed reading - Pronunciation - Conversations - Meetings and negotiations - Expressions and idioms
In a remote region of the Bering Sea, a boat salvage crew discovers the eerie remains of a grand passenger liner thought lost for more than 40 years. But once on board the eerie, cavernous ship, the crew of the Arctic Warrior discovers that the decaying vessel is anything but deserted. It's home to something more deadly and horrific than anything they've encountered in all their years at sea.