General Information
KMUTT SALC is a language learning centre where students and staff can develop language
skills on their own level and interests.
When is the SALC open?
The SALC is opened from Monday to Thursday from 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Friday,
the centre is opened from 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
What facilities are provided in the centre?
We provide a library of general reading and self-study materials, as well as computers that
can be used to develop language skills.
Who can help me with using materials in the centre?
SALC staff and a SALC language counselor are always ready to give you advice and help to
solve your learning problems.
Member information
Why should I become a SALC member?
Being a SALC member offers you the opportunities to improve your language skills through
our materials and learning activities.
What are the benefits of the SALC membership?
Members can borrow books, CDs or self-access materials to use in the centre or at home.
Learning choices are also offered for the members to improve their English skills according
to their own needs, through special interest groups and workshops.
How do I become a SALC member?
You can apply for a new member through our website and contact SALC staff to get a
membership card and activate your account. Apply online at, and
then click on register button.
Can I check out books or learning materials?
Members can borrow books, self-access materials or CDs to use in the centre or at home.
For more details, please contact SALC staff.
What should I do if I lost my card?
You can contact SALC staff at the counter in room SoLA 401 and ask for a new card.
What should I do if my card is expired?
To renew your membership card, please contact our staff and ask for a new one
Counselling services
What is counseling services?
Counselling services aim to help you learn how to learn by yourself. The services include:
training how to be independent learners, identifying needs, setting goals and learning plans,
selecting materials and learning strategies, recording and evaluating strength,
weakness and progress.
Do I need to make an appointment?
Yes, there are several ways to meet a SALC counselor both face to face and online.
You can make an appointment in advance or contact SALC counselor at 0-2470-8788.
SALC Activities
What are SALC activities?
SALC Activities are organized to support self-access learning outside class based on
learners’ interest. You can improve their English skills through SALC activities such as
speaking groups, cooking club, learn English through movies, word games and so on.
How can I join SALC activities?
Members can visit online booking website at and log in,
non-reserved participants are not allowed to join our activities.
What should I do if I forgot my password?
You can go to our website and click on password forgotten button,
then put your email. Your password will be sent to your e-mail.