Book | SAT002 C.2



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SAT Prep Plus 2021

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Kaplan, Inc.




Kaplan, Inc.



Sum pages

956 p.





THE ALL-IN-ONE SOLUTION FOR YOUR HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE--including 8 full-length practice tests for realistic prep, content reviews for all test sections, techniques for scoring success, and access to premium online extras. Everything You Need to Know to Help Achieve a High Score. - Comprehensive subject review for every section of the exam - Valuable practice with complex reading comprehension passages and higher-level math problems - Hands-on experience with all question types (multi-step problems, passage-based grammar questions, and more) Practice Your Way to Perfection. - 8 full-length practice tests (4 in the book, 4 online) with detailed answer explanations - Drills for each test section--Reading, Writing and Language, and Math--plus writing exercises to help prepare for the essay - In-depth online score reports for all practice tests to help analyze and track your progress Techniques That Actually Work. - Powerful tactics to help you avoid traps and beat the SAT - Pacing tips to help you maximize your time - Detailed examples of how to employ each strategy to your advantage Includes Access to Premium Online Exclusives: - Videos to teach you SAT test-taking strategies and commonly-tested topics - Access to college and university rankings, college admissions advice, and financial aid tips - Multi-week study guides - Special "SAT Insider" section packed with helpful info on picking your perfect school and writing essays that stand out
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Culture & Travel (3)

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Self-improvement (14)

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