We are increasingly anxious, exhausted, anda unsatisfied. Social media, work, and even our friends and family can make us feel like noth ing is ever good enough. On top of that, facing an unexpected change or challenge can feel overwhelming; how do we adapt to new circum stances in this frenetic world, let alone learn to accept them? As this mentality grows, we become even more anxious, lonely, and unsatisfied-all in a bid to achieve happiness. But what if we don't need happiness? What if we need contentment?
In Why Be Happy?, psychologist Scott Haas brings you ukeireru, the Japanese principle of acceptance and your life-changing lesson in slow ing down and destressing. You'll build daily rituals with yourself and with others to use in business meetings, coffee shops, while relaxing in nature, and more. Why Be Happy? helps you to accept that things won't always be just how you like and to reframe your perspective with strength to change your life; after all, why be happy when you can be content?